January 2nd, 2010 by Mike Weibel
Today I’m just updating an prior post (1/2/10).
I just read an interesting post by Seth Godin on his blog today, where he is referencing a post he made 10 years ago. Below is an excerpt from that post. It’s about taking [read more]
December 28th, 2009 by Mike Weibel
What’s the point of goal setting? We know we want some outcome, some change in the results in an area of our lives. For example we may want to look better, be more successful, be financially secure, free of debt, etc.
But how exactly do goals [read more]
December 19th, 2009 by Mike Weibel
Eating what we want, when we want it, is easy.
Adopting on a managed intake, calorie-controlled diet is harder because we have to start to manage our appetite, and begin to say “No” to some choices. That’s resistance.
Work that allows you to do what you want, when you want to [read more]
December 9th, 2009 by Mike Weibel
Of course not, but I really needed to get your attention so I had to come up with something provocative.
Short term goals are actually an essential part of any goal setting plan. But they tell me catchy headlines attract readers, so I thought I’d see for myself ….. [read more]
December 3rd, 2009 by Mike Weibel
The process of setting goals is not too different for most of us whether we are very young, a teenager or an adult. However, starting the process of learning about goals for teenagers is an important step toward learning valuable life skills. This page covers 5 of [read more]
Posted in Motivation, Tips
November 24th, 2009 by Mike Weibel
I ran across an interesting idea recently about something called Parkinson’s Law that I have long suspected was true (and I bet you did too), I just hadn’t heard anyone articulate it as a “law”.
Parkinson’s Law goes something like this:
Whatever project you’re working on or whatever [read more]
November 7th, 2009 by Mike Weibel
Don’t cringe, this is a good one. I just finished Malcolm Gladwell’s book titled “Outliers”, which discusses the notion of success and points out the common denominators his research revealed about those people and groups who have achieved rare, extreme success .
As you would imagine, [read more]
November 1st, 2009 by Mike Weibel
It seems there’s a natural progression or trend to virtually any aspiration, desire, target or dare I say it …. personal goal. I think it goes something like this:
1. We have an idea, epiphany or “ah ha!” moment when you are certain that your life would be [read more]
September 25th, 2009 by Mike Weibel
I was standing in line at our favorite discount superstore, and overheard two women talking about something one of them had done (couldn’t tell what it was). She was recounting how stupid she had been, and how it was typical. “I’m always doing that, I’m such an [read more]
September 12th, 2009 by Mike Weibel
I started off the day last Wednesday with a clear plan. I’d done my daily agenda and knew what I needed to get done. Then it happened – real world “stuff” started to pop up.
The phone rang, someone walked up, an urgent email from a business user….. [read more]