May 3rd, 2010 by Mike Weibel
The following article is excerpted from content in Robin Sharma’s popular CD program, “Manage Your Time, Manage Your Life”“. Pursuing goals is all about knowing where you are going, so I thought Robin’s thoughts would be relevant here.
“Focus your time and your life on your highest talents and [read more]
April 25th, 2010 by Mike Weibel
If you’ve set a new personal goal recently, you probably realize the just how important is is to track your progress, and how the chance of failure increases if you don’t. One way to make sure you track your progress and do the things necessary to achieve your goal [read more]
April 17th, 2010 by Mike Weibel
Anyone who wants to achieve a personal goal is in one of the following phases of the process of making that change in their life:
Feeling frustrated or dissatisfied with the way things are (weight, career, relationships, etc)
Deciding on a solution that will satisfy the problem (lose weight, change careers, work [read more]
Posted in Failure, Tips
February 16th, 2010 by Mike Weibel
Several months ago, I wrote this post about the fallacy of trying to do two, or even worse three things at once. I’m well familiar with the hazards of this, as I have to be reminded frequently that I can’t do it (at least not effectively) and it [read more]
February 12th, 2010 by Mike Weibel
The challenge for many of our true, ‘make a difference’ aspirations in life is to sustain our level of effort and focus, day and and day out. Most people aren’t able to do that, but that creates an opportunity for someone who’s serious about achieving something and is [read more]
February 11th, 2010 by Mike Weibel
I bought a new audiobook this week that I’ve really been enjoying, “The 4 Laws of Financial Prosperity” by Blaine Harris, that’s been a great reminder of the importance of proper financial management in our lives. More importantly though, it’s also motivated me to start tracking my time on [read more]
February 7th, 2010 by Mike Weibel
We know that a critical part of achieving a goal is to take regular action each and every day to move closer to it. Making time for those activities generally requires that we make some sacrifices.
The following is my list of the top 5 sacrifices that, [read more]
February 6th, 2010 by Mike Weibel
If you’re like me, it helps when starting something new to look at examples. Using examples of goals others have written to guide your goal definition and creating your action plan is always a good idea. In an effort to help you along, I’ve included a [read more]
January 18th, 2010 by Mike Weibel
A lot of this website is devoted to the mechanics of setting and achieving goals. Things like selecting the right goal, being clear and specific about what your goal is and why you want to achieve it, providing you with forms for writing a good plan, how to [read more]
January 13th, 2010 by Mike Weibel
Setting goals is essential for top performance, that’s no secret. Every Olympic athlete, market leading business or worker interested in retiring before age 90 understands that it helps to set a goal and have a plan for how to get there.
This post is about how to approach your goals. [read more]