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Productivity “Magic”

It’s pretty rare that we come upon something that seems magical, even miraculous. Something that seems to defy logic, that doesn’t exactly make sense but it works every time. This post is about a principle that fits that description.

If you read this website and blog, you know I’m [read more]

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Three Good Ideas for Fitness Goals

We know that one of the keys to staying fit is to keep moving, and the other is to eat well. Whether it’s jogging, working out at the gym, walking in the evening or just cleaning the house, the more we move the more fit we’ll be. [read more]

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Goals and Clarity


The clearer we are about the goals and objectives we set for ourselves in life, the more efficient, and effective, we will be in achieving them. Clarity has as much or more to do with success and happiness as hard work, because once we’re clear about exactly what needs to [read more]

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Types of Goals

What type of goal are you pursuing? I classify goals based on the activity I must perform to achieve them:

Progressive activities (performed step-by-step, like working on a project)
Recurring activities (performing the same behavior daily, like exercise)

Each take a different approach, but once you get the approach figured out [read more]

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This Will Accelerate Your Goal Progress, Guaranteed!

You know your goal. You have created a plan to reach that goal. You spend time every evening planning the next day, laying out the next task(s) you need to perform to reach your goal, and you do this activity daily. But what is [read more]

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Great Idea, What Next?

Did you just have a ‘light bulb’ moment? You know what I mean, one of those “hey, wait a minute!” moments when things suddenly became clear? If so, what did you do next? Like most people, did you just forget about it and let it slip [read more]

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Goals are necessary to be happy

It’s funny when you start to pay attention to something, it seems like it starts showing up everywhere. I have a friend who said she never particularly noticed pregnant women until she became pregnant, then she started seeing pregnant women everywhere.

And what, you ask, does that [read more]

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Don’t Miss This Video!

I think implied in any plan to pursue one or more goals is the admission that there’s something in our lives that we would like to improve, to make better than it is.
It’s not necessarily that we’re not happy with the status quo (although it can be), sometimes it’s just [read more]

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Keeping Things Simple – part two

In yesterday’s post, I proposed the idea that the smart way to begin the pursuit of a goal or achievement is to be perfectly clear about the fact that you are going to experience failure, unless you’ve just selected goal that’s too simple anyway.
Understanding that failure is inevitable in the [read more]

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Keeping Things Simple – part one

Well, it’s that time of year again when we all take stock of the past year, where we are today, and what we’d like to change or improve for next year.
I know there’s a tendency to scoff at that, because we so frequently fail to attain our New Years resolutions, [read more]

Posted in Failure, Tips | 1 Comment