Resources to Help You Reach Your Goals

If you want to build a house, you wouldn’t try to do it with your bare hands. You’d get a saw, a ladder, a hammer and some nails to make the job easier. Setting and achieving personal goals requires the right tools too.
Equipped with the right information, strategy and other resources, you increase your chances to begin achieving goals significantly. That’s what this section is about – identifying those things that can increase your chance to succeed in achieving your goals.
I’ve compiled a summary of everything I’m aware of that I genuinely believe can help you reach your goals, and it’s all listed under the Resources menu option. This include things like:

The research-based, factual information presented here about what works in achieving goals is one of those resources, but there are plenty of others to help you:

  • Clearly identify the goal you seek
  • Build a plan to achieve that goal
  • Start taking action toward that goal
  • Stay focused on your goal
  • Maintain your motivation until you reach your goal

So enjoy the following pages. I add to them as often as new aids and resources come to my attention that I think can help you. And please, if you’ve found something that was helpful in achieving your goals, no matter how small a contribution it made, please add a comment to the forum to let me know so I can add it here, and so others can benefit as well.

Finally, there are number of software applications written specifically for the iPhone that can help you in your efforts toward achieving goals. A few of these include:

  • Vitalist: Simple, easy to use, web based application for tracking lists of things to do. Includes the ability to set up tasks for projects, assign context to tasks (e.g. work, personal, weekend, phone work, evening, etc
  • iFlipr
  • Zenbe lists
  • Evernote
  • MightyDocs
  • gFlash+
  • Jott
  • QuickVoice

Summary of key points:

  1. Tools in the form of books, audio recordings and software play a key role in motivating you toward your pursuit of your goals
  2. One way to sustain your motivation is to regularly read stories about people who have achieved the goals they set for themselves.
  3. There is plenty of free video on the internet with content that can help you reach your goal