Pitfalls, or Reasons We Fail
Problem #6: Lack of a clear, specific goal.The emphasis here is on clear. Many goals are defined in general terms, like “I want alot of money.”. Converting that into a very clear, specific amount, by a certain date, with the way you are going to achieve it makes a much better target to shoot for. Clarity insures that you are headed in the right direction, but more importantly it makes it possible to get the essential, detailed feedback necessary to make the proper adjustments along your journey. Without that, direction is lost, performance diminishes,
motivation slips and the goal starts to fade away.
Steven Covey said to “begin with the end in mind”, and I’ve addressed it repeatedly in the Action Plan. When a marksman takes aim, he doesn’t just look at the target; he focuses on the bullseye. So should we.
Stop, right now, and do this! Either define your goal right now, in writing, as clearly as you can, or make an appointment with yourself within the next 24 hours to do it. Be specific, detailed, and as precise as you can. Identify exactly what the outcome will be, and how it will benefit you. Now keep that writing close for future reference. And do it now.
As you make these decisions, take the long term view. Realize that your life will be exactly the same 3, 5 or 10 years from now if you don’t start doing something different now. This can be an opportunity to make a meaningful change, and that might make a hard choice a little easier to make.
Remember: “The definition of insanity is going the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein
- If you are not getting the results you seek, your first job is to figure out why
- There are 6 primary reasons that most people fail to reach their goal, and anyone can run into these
- There is a solution for every pitfall or obstacle. There is rarely a reason you can’t achieve your goal, with a sound plan and a willingness to work to achieve it