Great Weight Loss Goal Tool

I ran into a new tool in the ongoing process of managing my weight, and it’s a good one that I don’t plan to stop using anytime soon!

Don’t recall where I first learned about this, but I started using about a week ago. This is a simple, online website where you can enter every morsel of food you eat in a day and it tracks your total daily calorie intake.
weight loss goal
The genius in this particular site is it’s ease of use. It’s got about 80% of the things I eat already in their database, including such obscure items as Target Archer Farms smoked almonds, Kashi Go Lean cereal or Atkins Daybreak Protein bars.

For anything that’s not in their database, you can manually add your own entry manually (for instance, my own homemade protein shake for breakfast) and it will be available to you to simply select in the future.

The site is free, and it includes a simple initial interview where you state your height and weight, and desired weight, and when you want to reach that weight. They then calculate what your average daily calorie intake needs to be to reach that weight, and that’s the benchmark that you see as your actual daily calories are accumulated. See below:

I love this site, and don’t plan to stop using it any time soon.

Fitness goal software

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