Posts under category: Uncategorized

Know Where You Are Going

The following article is excerpted from content in Robin Sharma’s popular CD program, “Manage Your Time, Manage Your Life”“. Pursuing goals is all about knowing where you are going, so I thought Robin’s thoughts would be relevant here.

“Focus your time and your life on your highest talents and [read more]

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Maintaining a Goal Activity Record

If you’ve set a new personal goal recently, you probably realize the just how important is is to track your progress, and how the chance of failure increases if you don’t. One way to make sure you track your progress and do the things necessary to achieve your goal [read more]

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The Multi-Tasking Myth

Several months ago, I wrote this post about the fallacy of trying to do two, or even worse three things at once. I’m well familiar with the hazards of this, as I have to be reminded frequently that I can’t do it (at least not effectively) and it [read more]

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5 Tips to Sustain Your Effort

The challenge for many of our true, ‘make a difference’ aspirations in life is to sustain our level of effort and focus, day and and day out. Most people aren’t able to do that, but that creates an opportunity for someone who’s serious about achieving something and is [read more]

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Think About This When Selecting Goals

Setting goals is essential for top performance, that’s no secret. Every Olympic athlete, market leading business or worker interested in retiring before age 90 understands that it helps to set a goal and have a plan for how to get there.

This post is about how to approach your goals. [read more]

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Punch Resistance Right Smack In The Nose

Eating what we want, when we want it, is easy.

Adopting on a managed intake, calorie-controlled diet is harder because we have to start to manage our appetite, and begin to say “No” to some choices. That’s resistance.

Work that allows you to do what you want, when you want to [read more]

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Book Report Time! “Outliers”

Don’t cringe, this is a good one. I just finished Malcolm Gladwell’s book titled “Outliers”, which discusses the notion of success and points out the common denominators his research revealed about those people and groups who have achieved rare, extreme success .

As you would imagine, [read more]

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What No One Wants To Hear

It seems there’s a natural progression or trend to virtually any aspiration, desire, target or dare I say it …. personal goal. I think it goes something like this:

1. We have an idea, epiphany or “ah ha!” moment when you are certain that your life would be [read more]

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Welcome to the Achieving Personal Goals blog!   This blog is a part of the main Achieving Personal Goals web site, which I created for 2 reasons.

One, because I had trouble finding what I thought was a really good website with a great collection of information and resources focused [read more]

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