Posts under category: Philosophy

Can Having Goals Make You Happy?

Kinda seems like a strange question, doesn’t it?

I think of goals as a way to insure I’m focusing on what’s important, chosing the right tasks to spend my time on. But it turns out there is research that shows goals can have alot to do with how [read more]

Posted in Philosophy | 3 Comments

Don’t Miss This Video!

I think implied in any plan to pursue one or more goals is the admission that there’s something in our lives that we would like to improve, to make better than it is.
It’s not necessarily that we’re not happy with the status quo (although it can be), sometimes it’s just [read more]

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The Self Help Formula

OK, here goes. I have a confession to make ……

I have a vice. No, it’s not drugs, or alcohol, or gambling. For me, it’s probably more powerful than those things.

I am a self-help addict. Whew! There, I said it. 🙂

I [read more]

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Getting Our Head Right

A lot of this website is devoted to the mechanics of setting and achieving goals. Things like selecting the right goal, being clear and specific about what your goal is and why you want to achieve it, providing you with forms for writing a good plan, how to [read more]

Posted in Motivation, Philosophy | Comments Off on Getting Our Head Right

Setting Goals Is An Obligation

Today I’m just updating an prior post (1/2/10).

I just read an interesting post by Seth Godin on his blog today, where he is referencing a post he made 10 years ago. Below is an excerpt from that post. It’s about taking [read more]

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